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Create Namespaces#

Bill, tasked with structuring namespaces for different environments within a tenant, utilizes the Tenant Custom Resource (CR) to streamline this process efficiently. Here's how Bill can orchestrate the creation of dev, build, and production environments for the tenant members directly through the Tenant CR.

Strategy for Namespace Creation#

To facilitate the environment setup, Bill decides to categorize the namespaces based on their association with the tenant's name. He opts to use the namespaces.withTenantPrefix field for namespaces that should carry the tenant name as a prefix, enhancing clarity and organization. For namespaces that do not require a tenant name prefix, Bill employs the namespaces.withoutTenantPrefix field.

Here's how Bill configures the Tenant CR to create these namespaces:

kubectl apply -f - << EOF
kind: Tenant
  name: bluesky
  quota: small
        - alpha
      - dev
      - build
      - prod

This configuration ensures the creation of the desired namespaces, directly correlating them with the bluesky tenant.

Upon applying the above configuration, Bill and the tenant members observe the creation of the following namespaces:

kubectl get namespaces
NAME             STATUS   AGE
bluesky-dev      Active   5m
bluesky-build    Active   5m
prod             Active   5m

Anna, as a tenant owner, gains the capability to further customize or create new namespaces within her tenant's scope. For example, creating a bluesky-production namespace with the necessary tenant label:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: bluesky-production
  labels: bluesky

⚠️ It's crucial for Anna to include the tenant label bluesky to ensure the namespace is recognized as part of the bluesky tenant. Failure to do so, or if Anna is not associated with the bluesky tenant, will result in Multi Tenant Operator (MTO) denying the namespace creation.

Following the creation, the MTO dynamically assigns roles to Anna and other tenant members according to their designated user types, ensuring proper access control and operational capabilities within these namespaces.

Incorporating Existing Namespaces into the Tenant via ArgoCD#

For teams practicing GitOps, existing namespaces can be seamlessly integrated into the Tenant structure by appending the tenant label to the namespace's manifest within the GitOps repository. This approach allows for efficient, automated management of namespace affiliations and access controls, ensuring a cohesive tenant ecosystem.

Add Existing Namespaces to Tenant via GitOps#

Using GitOps as your preferred development workflow, you can add existing namespaces for your tenants by including the tenant label.

To add an existing namespace to your tenant via GitOps:

  1. Migrate the namespace resource to the GitOps-monitored repository
  2. Amend the namespace manifest to include the tenant label: .
  3. Synchronize the GitOps repository with the cluster to propagate the changes
  4. Validate that the tenant users now have appropriate access to the integrated namespace

Removing Namespaces via GitOps#

To disassociate or remove namespaces from the cluster through GitOps, the namespace configuration should be eliminated from the GitOps repository. Additionally, detaching the namespace from any ArgoCD-managed applications by removing the label ensures a clean removal without residual dependencies.

Synchronizing the repository post-removal finalizes the deletion process, effectively managing the lifecycle of namespaces within a tenant-operated Kubernetes environment.