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MTO Console uses Keycloak for authentication and authorization. By default, the MTO Console uses an internal Keycloak instance that is provisioned by the Multi Tenant Operator in its own namespace. However, you can also integrate an external Keycloak instance with the MTO Console.

This guide will help you integrate an external Keycloak instance with the MTO Console.


  • An OpenShift cluster with Multi Tenant Operator installed.
  • An external Keycloak instance.


Navigate to the Keycloak console.

  • Go to your realm.
  • Click on the Clients.
  • Click on the Create button to create a new client.

Keycloak realm

Create a new client.

  • Fill in the Client ID, Client Name and Client Protocol fields.

Client creation

  • Add Valid Redirect URIs and Web Origins for the client.

Client creation

Note: The Valid Redirect URIs and Web Origins should be the URL of the MTO Console.

  • Click on the Save button.

Update Integration Config#

  • Update the IntegrationConfig CR with the following configuration.
    realm: <realm>
    address: <keycloak-address>
    clientName: <client-name>
  • Now, the MTO Console will be integrated with the external Keycloak instance.