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Azure Pricing#

MTO supports Azure pricing model via the integrationConfig.components.showbackOpts.cloudPricingSecretRef field. Following 3 types of pricing are supported:

Azure Standard Pricing#

For Azure pricing configuration, OpenCost needs access to the Microsoft Azure Billing Rate Card API to access accurate pricing data for your Kubernetes resources.

Follow the steps below to create a custom Azure role and secret to access the Azure Rate Card API:

Create a Custom Azure role#

Start by creating an Azure role definition. Below is an example definition, replace YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID with the ID of the subscription containing your Kubernetes cluster. (How to find your subscription ID.)

    "Name": "OpenCostRole",
    "IsCustom": true,
    "Description": "Rate Card query role",
    "Actions": [
    "AssignableScopes": [

Save this into a file called myrole.json

Next, you'll want to register that role with Azure:

az role definition create --verbose --role-definition @myrole.json

Create an Azure Service Principal#

Next, create an Azure Service Principal.

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "OpenCostAccess" --role "OpenCostRole" --scope "/subscriptions/YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" --output json

Keep this information which is used in the service-key.json below.

Supply Azure Service Principal details to OpenCost#

Create a file called service-key.json and update it with the Service Principal details from the above steps:

    "subscriptionId": "<Azure Subscription ID>",
    "serviceKey": {
        "appId": "<Azure AD App ID>",
        "displayName": "OpenCostAccess",
        "password": "<Azure AD Client Secret>",
        "tenant": "<Azure AD Tenant ID>"

Next, create a secret for the Azure Service Principal


When managing the service account key as a Kubernetes secret, the secret must reference the service account key JSON file, and that file must be named service-key.json.

kubectl create secret generic azure-service-key -n multi-tenant-operator --from-file=service-key.json

Update the IntegrationConfig#

Finally, update the IntegrationConfig with the Azure pricing model:

    console: true # should be enabled
    showback: true # should be enabled
        name: azure-service-key
        namespace: multi-tenant-operator

Customer-specific pricing#

The Rate Card prices retrieved with the setup above are the standard prices for Azure resources offered to all customers. If your organisation has an Enterprise Agreement or Partner Agreement with Azure you may have discounts for some of the resources used by your clusters. In that case you can configure OpenCost to use the Consumption Price Sheet API to request prices specifically for your billing account.


Calling the Price Sheet API uses the service principal secret created above - those steps are prerequisites for this section.

Find your billing account ID#

You can find your billing account ID in the Azure portal, or using the az CLI:

az billing account list --query "[].{name:name, displayName:displayName}"

Grant billing access to your Service Principal#

To call the Price Sheet API the service principal you created above needs to be granted the EnrollmentReader billing role. You can do this by following this Azure guide and using the Role Assignments API reference page.

Assigning a billing role isn't directly supported in the az CLI yet, so the process is quite involved. To simplify this, you can use the Bash script below to collect the details of your service principal, construct the PUT request and send it with curl.

Save the script to a file named assign-billing-role.bash and run it:

export SP_NAME=OpenCostAccess
export BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID=<your billing account ID>
chmod u+x assign-billing-role.bash

Find the offer ID for your subscription#

As well as the billing account ID, OpenCost also needs the offer ID for your subscription to query the price sheet. You can find this on the subscription page in the Azure portal.

Configure OpenCost to use the Price Sheet API#

The billing account and offer ID need to be passed to OpenCost in environment variables. To do this, create a secret with the following values:

kubectl create secret generic customer-specific-pricing -n multi-tenant-operator --from-literal=azure-billing-account=<your billing account ID> --from-literal=azure-offer-id=<your offer ID>

Finally, update the IntegrationConfig with the Azure pricing model:

    console: true # should be enabled
    showback: true # should be enabled
        name: customer-specific-pricing
        namespace: multi-tenant-operator

Script to assign billing role#


# Helper to assign the billing EnrollmentReader role to a service principal
# Needs SP name and billing account name variables set

set -euo pipefail

if [[ -z "${SP_NAME}" ]]; then
  echo "SP_NAME is not set"
  exit 1

if [[ -z "${BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID}" ]]; then
  echo "BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID is not set"
  exit 1

# Generate a unique name for the assignment.

# Work out the SP ID and tenant ID from the name.
read -r SP_ID TENANT_ID < <(az ad sp list --display-name "${SP_NAME}" --query '[0].{id:id,tenantId:appOwnerOrganizationId}' -o tsv)

# Get bearer token for talking to API.
ACCESS_TOKEN="$(az account get-access-token --query accessToken -o tsv)"


echo "Creating EnrollmentReader role assignment for SP ${SP_NAME} (${SP_ID}) in billing account ${BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID}"
echo "Role assignment name: ${ROLE_ASSIGNMENT_NAME}"

# This is the role definition ID for EnrollmentReader
RESPONSE="$(curl --silent --show-error -X PUT "${URL}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d "{
  \"properties\": {
    \"principalId\": \"${SP_ID}\",
    \"principalTenantId\": \"${TENANT_ID}\",
    \"roleDefinitionId\": \"/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/${BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID}/billingRoleDefinitions/${ENROLLMENT_READER_ROLE}\"

echo "Response: ${RESPONSE}"


In this guide, we have seen how to configure OpenCost to use Azure pricing model. We have seen how to configure Azure Pricing Configuration, Customer-specific pricing, and Azure Cloud Costs. To enable all three pricing models, you can create a single secret with all the required values and update the IntegrationConfig to use the secret.

for example:

kubectl create secret generic azure-pricing -n multi-tenant-operator --from-file=service-key.json --from-literal=azure-billing-account=<your billing account ID> --from-literal=azure-offer-id=<your offer ID> --from-file=./cloud-integration.json

Update the IntegrationConfig to use the secret:

    console: true # should be enabled
    showback: true # should be enabled
        name: azure-pricing
        namespace: multi-tenant-operator

For more information, refer to the OpenCost documentation.