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MTO Installation Guide#

Once the necessary preparations are complete, you can proceed with the installation section.

The installation process consists of two steps:

  1. Install MTO Core
  2. Enable MTO Console

Install MTO Core#

We will be using helm to install the operator, here we have set bypassedGroups as cluster-admins because our admin user is part of that group as seen in above screenshot.

helm install tenant-operator oci:// --version 1.1.0 --namespace multi-tenant-operator --create-namespace --set bypassedGroups=cluster-admins

We will wait for the pods to come in running state.

NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
tenant-operator-namespace-controller-768f9459c4-758kb             2/2     Running   0          5m
tenant-operator-pilot-controller-7c96f6589c-d979f                 2/2     Running   0          5m
tenant-operator-resourcesupervisor-controller-566f59d57b-xbkws    2/2     Running   0          5m
tenant-operator-template-quota-intconfig-controller-7fc99462dz6   2/2     Running   0          5m
tenant-operator-templategroupinstance-controller-75cf68c872pljv   2/2     Running   0          5m
tenant-operator-templateinstance-controller-d996b6fd-cx2dz        2/2     Running   0          5m
tenant-operator-tenant-controller-57fb885c84-7ps92                2/2     Running   0          5m
tenant-operator-webhook-5f8f675549-jv9n8                          2/2     Running   0          5m

Enable MTO Console#

Execute the following command to enable MTO console

kubectl patch integrationconfig tenant-operator-config \
  -n multi-tenant-operator --type merge --patch "{
  \"spec\": {
    \"components\": {
      \"console\": true,
      \"ingress\": {
        \"console\": {
          \"host\": \"console.<FULL_SUBDOMAIN>\",
          \"tlsSecretName\": \"<SECRET_NAME>\"
        \"gateway\": {
          \"host\": \"gateway.<FULL_SUBDOMAIN>\",
          \"tlsSecretName\": \"<SECRET_NAME>\"
        \"keycloak\": {
          \"host\": \"keycloak.<FULL_SUBDOMAIN>\",
          \"tlsSecretName\": \"<SECRET_NAME>\"
        \"ingressClassName\": \"nginx\"
      \"showback\": true
Placeholder Description
<FULL_SUBDOMAIN> Full subdomain of the EKS cluster e.g.
<SECRET_NAME> Name of the secret that should be used as TLS secret

Wait for the pods to be ready with the following command

kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -n multi-tenant-operator --all --timeout=300s

List the ingresses to access the URL of MTO Console

kubectl get ingress -n multi-tenant-operator

NAME                       CLASS   HOSTS                                  ADDRESS                                                                          PORTS     AGE
tenant-operator-console    nginx   80, 443   23m
tenant-operator-gateway    nginx   80, 443   23m
tenant-operator-keycloak   nginx   80, 443   24m

What's Next#

Now lets create our first tenant on EKS.