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Cluster scoped resource:

The smallest valid Tenant definition is given below (with just one field in its spec):

kind: Tenant
  name: alpha
  quota: small

Here is a more detailed Tenant definition, explained below:

kind: Tenant
  name: alpha
  owners: # optional
    users: # optional
    groups: # optional
      - alpha
  editors: # optional
    users: # optional
  viewers: # optional
    users: # optional
  quota: medium # required
  sandboxConfig: # optional
    enabled: true # optional
    private: true # optional
  onDelete: # optional
    cleanNamespaces: false # optional
    cleanAppProject: true # optional
  argocd: # optional
    sourceRepos: # required
    appProject: # optional
      clusterResourceWhitelist: # optional
        - group:
          kind: Environment
      namespaceResourceBlacklist: # optional
        - group: ""
          kind: ConfigMap
  hibernation: # optional
    sleepSchedule: 23 * * * * # required
    wakeSchedule: 26 * * * * # required
  namespaces: # optional
    withTenantPrefix: # optional
      - dev
      - build
    withoutTenantPrefix: # optional
      - preview
  commonMetadata: # optional
    labels: # optional alpha
    annotations: # optional
  specificMetadata: # optional
    - annotations: # optional dave
      labels: # optional true
      namespaces: # optional
        - alpha-dave-stakater-sandbox
  sandboxMetadata: # optional
    labels: # optional
    annotations: # optional "{{ TENANT.USERNAME }}" # templated placeholder
  templateInstances: # optional
  - spec: # optional
      template: networkpolicy # required
      sync: true  # optional
      parameters: # optional
        - name: CIDR_IP
          value: ""
    selector: # optional
      matchLabels: # optional
        policy: network-restriction
  • Tenant has 3 kinds of Members. Each member type should have different roles assigned to them. These roles are gotten from the IntegrationConfig's TenantRoles field. You can customize these roles to your liking, but by default the following configuration applies:

    • Owners: Users who will be owners of a tenant. They will have OpenShift admin-role assigned to their users, with additional access to create namespaces as well.
    • Editors: Users who will be editors of a tenant. They will have OpenShift edit-role assigned to their users.
    • Viewers: Users who will be viewers of a tenant. They will have OpenShift view-role assigned to their users.
  • Users can be linked to the tenant by specifying there username in owners.users, editors.users and viewers.users respectively.

  • Groups can be linked to the tenant by specifying the group name in owners.groups, editors.groups and viewers.groups respectively.

  • Tenant will have a Quota to limit resource consumption.

  • sandboxConfig is used to configure the tenant user sandbox feature

    • Setting enabled to true will create sandbox namespaces for owners and editors.
    • Sandbox will follow the following naming convention {TenantName}-{UserName}-sandbox.
    • In case of groups, the sandbox namespaces will be created for each member of the group.
    • Setting private to true will make those sandboxes be only visible to the user they belong to. By default, sandbox namespaces are visible to all tenant members
  • onDelete is used to tell Multi Tenant Operator what to do when a Tenant is deleted.

    • cleanNamespaces if the value is set to true MTO deletes all tenant namespaces when a Tenant is deleted. Default value is false.
    • cleanAppProject will keep the generated ArgoCD AppProject if the value is set to false. By default, the value is true.
  • argocd is required if you want to create an ArgoCD AppProject for the tenant.

    • sourceRepos contain a list of repositories that point to your GitOps.
    • appProject is used to set the clusterResourceWhitelist and namespaceResourceBlacklist resources. If these are also applied via IntegrationConfig then those applied via Tenant CR will have higher precedence for given Tenant.
  • hibernation can be used to create a schedule during which the namespaces belonging to the tenant will be put to sleep. The values of the sleepSchedule and wakeSchedule fields must be a string in a cron format.

  • Namespaces can also be created via tenant CR by specifying names in namespaces.

    • Multi Tenant Operator will append tenant name prefix while creating namespaces if the list of namespaces is under the withTenantPrefix field, so the format will be {TenantName}-{Name}.
    • Namespaces listed under the withoutTenantPrefix will be created with the given name. Writing down namespaces here that already exist within the cluster are not allowed.
    • {Name} label will also be added to the namespaces.
  • commonMetadata can be used to distribute common labels and annotations among tenant namespaces.

    • labels distributes provided labels among all tenant namespaces
    • annotations distributes provided annotations among all tenant namespaces
  • specificMetadata can be used to distribute specific labels and annotations among specific tenant namespaces.

    • labels distributes given labels among specific tenant namespaces
    • annotations distributes given annotations among specific tenant namespaces
    • namespaces consists a list of specific tenant namespaces across which the labels and annotations will be distributed
  • sandboxMetadata can be used to distribute specific labels and annotations among all tenant sandbox namespaces.

    • labels distributes given labels among tenant sandbox namespaces
    • annotations distributes given annotations among tenant sandbox namespaces. In annotations, we also support a username template {{ TENANT.USERNAME }}, it can be used if you want to access tenant username value in annotation i.e. username: {{ TENANT.USERNAME }}. This template can be used for sandboxMetadata labels as well, given that username is valid for a label value.
  • Tenant automatically deploys template resource mentioned in templateInstances to matching tenant namespaces.

    • Template resources are created in those namespaces which belong to a tenant and contain matching labels.
    • Template resources are created in all namespaces of a tenant if selector field is empty.

⚠️ If same label or annotation key is being applied using different methods provided, then the highest precedence will be given to specificMetadata followed by commonMetadata and in the end would be the ones applied from openshift.project.labels/openshift.project.annotations in IntegrationConfig